HEPCheck is an easy to use, online tool which helps you assess your potential risk factors associated with hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
“Engaging people affected by or at risk of viral hepatitis, and providing appropriate information are key recommendations in the Victorian and Australian viral hepatitis strategies. By delivering clear, tailored information regarding viral hepatitis and liver health, HEPCheck and CARECheck have the potential to engage, raise awareness, and empower people to discuss their liver health with their doctor and other health care workers. This will increase the numbers of people who have been diagnosed, and make it possible for them to engage in care and receive appropriate treatment.Earlier diagnosis means better outcomes and lives saved.”
A/Prof Benjamin Cowie, Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Viral Hepatitis, Doherty Institute.
Why you should take a test?
Hepatitis is more common than you think. There are a number of different types of viral hepatitis – A, B, C, D and E. In Australia the most common types are hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
More than 500,00 Australians are living with chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C, and many don’t know that they have it (around 50% of those living with chronic hepatitis B and 15% with hepatitis C are undiagnosed). People can live for decades without showing any symptoms. But without treatment these conditions can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver failure.
However early diagnosis and management can prevent onset complications and reverse that trend.
**A HEPCheck report does not provide a diagnosis of hepatitis B or hepatitis C. The statements and recommendations it contains are based on available evidence around risk factors for viral hepatitis and is only relevant to Australian residents. Results and recommendations are indicative only. Please see your GP for a personalised assessment, or contact the Hepatitis Victoria Infoline on 1800 703 003.
How to take a test?
HEPCheck will ask you a series of questions. All you need to do is select the answer which is most applicable to you. Once you’ve completed the questionnaire, HEPCheck will analyse your responses and provide you with a report overviewing your results, and if appropriate, recommendations on testing and/or vaccination. The whole process shouldn’t take more than five minutes.
Increasing awareness of viral hepatitis and liver health is essential for reducing the burden of hepatitis-related illness in our community.
HEPCheck in more languages
- Arabic
- Chinese – 是关于病毒性肝炎罹患风险的评估测试小帮手
- Dari
- Khmer
- Vietnamese – hướng dẫn người dùng tự đánh giá nguy cơ đối với bệnh viêm gan của cơ thể